Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. It's been more than a week since I last wrote anything and I have to admit that I've been lacking inspiration. I'm trying to hold this blog to a high level of integrity, I won't write about just anything, only those things that I think are worthwhile or that I'm truly passionate about. So as I was standing in the kitchen, trying to think up reasons not to go to the gym, it struck me when I needed it most as I was drinking chocolate milk out of the carton. The milk! I love the milk here. I've been meaning to actually talk to somebody about it since I first got here but it's one of those things that unless it comes up in conversation you don't really remember to bring it up yourself.
"Hi mama! How are you?...I'm good thanks, just got back from work.... yeah it was the class with the jerk in it... no he wasn't mean to me today.... I will.... thanks....oh by the way, have I told you how delicious the milk is here?" - Not likely. So I'm taking this moment of lightning bolt inspiration to put down into words how wonderful said milk is.
Luckily for me I read a book before I came here that pointed out that while you may think you're doing a great thing for your health by drinking low-fat/skim/partially skimmed milk you are in fact doing your heart a disservice as the fat that's taken out of the milk has to be replaced with something else to maintain a cohesive chemical composition, and that something else is hydrogenated oxygen. And in actuality hydrogenated anything clogs your arteries far more effectively than the natural fats which occur in milk. Sorry for sounding like a bible-thumper but I had to mention that backstory to explain why I'm only drinking whole (entera) milk here. I like the whole milk in England and America, it's good. But you know what's even better than whole milk? Half-and-Half. Sometimes when I'm sad that's my comfort go-to, straight from the carton, and my decadent indulgence in coffee and white russians. It's a special treat and it's delicious. So you can only imagine my unbridled pleasure at discovering that the whole milk here tastes exactly like half-and-half! As the Italians would put it, it's squisito! I never do this at home, but here I find myself craving and drinking full glasses of milk. If only I had had milk this delicious as a child, I may have grown a few more inches before coming out of adolecense.
The chocolate milk is great too. But I find the carton detracts from the flavour if you look at it while drinking. That cow's udder is about to burst and he's giving you a thumbs up as if it's all okay. It's gross.
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