Saturday, February 28, 2009


My level of Spanish is laughable, but regardless I'm exceptionally pleased with my progress. Today was our move-out day and as we were standing on the side of the road with three massive suitcases and four smaller but sizable bags no cabbie would stop for us. One passed by giving us the "call me" signal with his thumb and pinkie held up to his face. I don't know why, but eventually I got one to stop for us and I managed to convince him (in Spanish!) to take me to the hotel despite his protests. This is a rough translation of what transpired between us:
"Armenia and Costa Rica?"
"You mean you're going to the airport."
"No, hotel. Armenia and Costa Rica."
"With all those bags? No way, there's no way I can take you both and all that stuff."
"No only these two"
"No lady, the car is too small, I can't fit it all."
"No man, only me and these two bags (I said bags in English b.c I have no idea what that is)"
"Uggggghhhh, okay I'll show you it won't fit." He gets out and opens up the trunk.
"See, it's too small. There's no way you're stuff is going to fit in here."
"It's okay, it's okay." We put the biggest bag in the trunk and stuff all the smaller ones and the printer in the front seat. He begrudgingly gets in the driver seat and takes me to Armenia and Costa Rica.
"Okay, this is where you want to get out?" I realize that the hotel is one block further up.
"Uuuuuuhhhhhh, one more!" I make a shoo-ing motion forward and he drives up the block.
"Yes, the building red! Hotel Craft." And success! He parks right in front of the doors and even lifts my bag out of the trunk which easily weighs about as much as him.
It's the moments like these that make me feel the best about myself.

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