Friday, February 27, 2009

Pounding the Pavement in BsAs

Buenos Aires is far larger than I ever gave it credit for before I came here. So far I've already worn down a pair of sandals and a strap on a bag broke... from swinging too much when I walk. There's Capital Federal which is pretty enormous, and then there's greater Buenos Aires which encompasses all the suburbs. Just to walk to the subway takes 20 minutes and then depending on whether you're going north or south you're journey could potentially be extremely time consuming. There are 4 lines that run east to west and all meet up at about the same point on the only line that runs north to south. So the average round trip includes two line transfers at the terminus of whichever lines you're riding on. Therefore I travel by cab. And luckily they are very cheap, but sometimes I think some cab drivers take the long way to make up the difference. But whatever.

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